10mm Vampire Hunter Booster Pack - Supported
A set of 10mm vampire hunter miniatures. It can be used in any 10mm historical wargame or along side other Empire theme forces to create a Witch Hunter themed Warmaster Revolution army. My inspiration was from watching various horror movies. I could not find any 10mm miniatures for torch wielding townsfolk or Van Helsing I liked so I created them.
Files are intended to be printed on Resin 3D Printer. No physical miniatures are included.
Included in this pack are the following:
- Van Helsing on Coach with Horses wielding double repeating crossbows, whip, and stakes.
- Princess of Romania with two swords standing over a vanquished harpy.
- A friendly friar with cross and various treasures to help Van Helsing on his adventures
- 5 Strips of Fanatic Townsfolk. Includes a command strip and 4 additional strips. Pitchforks and torches feature prominently in the outline of the miniatures on the table.
The remaining miniatures necessary for a Witch Hunter Warmaster Revolution army can be found for free on Thingiverse. See the excellent work of Christopher Cline here https://www.thingiverse.com/grumpusbumpus/designs.
All files come pre-supported and without supports. Also included is the Chitubox files in case you want to modify the existing supports.
I have successfully printed each of these files on a Phrozen Sonic 4k 3d Resin Printer.
Filesize: 963.2MB
Important: By downloading these files you agree that these are for personal use only. You may not distribute or sell these files. You may not sell physical copies unless you purchase a license to sell physical copies. You may modify the files for personal use but may not share those derivatives in any way.
License information: Some of these files contain information used under CC license. For attribution information see the following document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E4WVIxakyNlBWEoJbMDoyN8SuwD_pan5KJ594ngJvS8/edit?usp=sharing
10mm Vampire Hunter Booster Pack - Supported